What are the advantages of traditional marketing?

Posted by Sharon Bowles on Mar 23, 2018 12:00:00 AM

In legal marketing

Since the Internet came into being, businesses have turned a great deal of attention to marketing their businesses digitally. However, even though online marketing can reach more people quickly, traditional marketing is still very important to the success of your business.

Why traditional marketing remains important

Traditional marketing involves the use of print ads, newsletters, direct mail, billboards, flyers, television and radio. These methods have a high success rate and are proven. It’s a direct way of communicating with an audience that cannot be easily replaced.

It continues to remain an important part of any successful advertising campaign for the following reasons.

  • It is an excellent tried and true way of reaching your local audience. As personal injury law attorneys, your target audience is mainly local. People injured in car accidents, or by a product, or in a nursing home, for instance, will look to a local source for help. TV and radio advertising is the quickly way to communicate who you are and what you can provide to your local audience.


  • Promotional materials are physical. The benefits of having a hard copy of something in your hands like a direct mail promotion, flyer or pamphlet is that they can be taken anywhere, read anytime, and kept for future consideration.


  • Not everyone has access to a computer. Not all of your prospective clients are online. Even though many consumers turn to their computers when needing a product or service, there are those who either don’t have a computer or are not tech-savvy. This may be especially true for potential older clients.


  • Hard copy advertising materials are easier to understand and recall. A Canadian marketing study found that paper marketing was easier for customers to understand and that their recall of the materials was longer than digital ads were. This means a great deal for people who may need your services in the future.


  • Traditional advertising is personal. It’s a studied and proven fact that people prefer human interaction over non-human. When it comes to deciding what personal injury attorney they want to use, they will go with the one they feel they connect with and the one that they feel has a genuine interest in their lives.


  • Television reigns. Nothing is as effective as well-placed compelling television ads. TV reaches a larger audience than any other type of traditional marketing and does so in a short period of time. It reaches your target audience when they are most attentive, and with sight, sound and motion, gives your services instant credibility. Most importantly, it gives you the opportunity to express your personality and compassion to a captive audience.


Digital marketing is still important


I am a firm believer in balance in all things, and this is also true in the marketing world. Both traditional marketing and digital marketing have their pros and their cons, but in the end, a successful advertising campaign should use both methods to achieve maximum business success.


At Group Matrix we understand the importance of both traditional and digital advertising and excel at both. Give us a call to discuss your marketing needs and let us help you with a dual-approach marketing plan that will grow your personal injury law practice.


Group Matrix Blog – March 21, 2018 – by Sharon Bowles